We are thrilled to inform you that you have successfully passed the MCQ examination. Congratulations on this remarkable achievement!
You are now invited to participate in Round 2 of the evaluation process, which is scheduled for the 9th of February.
In this round, you will have a 24-hour window to evaluate a Web Application and identify any vulnerabilities.
The application will be accessible from 9th February, 3 PM (IST) to 10th February, 3 PM (IST).
Your task is to create a detailed report outlining your findings and submit it through the provided form link before 3 PM on 10th February.
We truly appreciate your dedication and effort throughout this process. We are excited to see your skills and expertise shine in Round 2.
Application Link: http://thriftclothes.in/oahms
Report Submission Link: https://forms.gle/C1QE6rX3MPpGpPzw7
Penetration Testing Report Sample Template : https://docs.google.com/document/d/1ghafA152qi4J5sL2PCMSMgVLxUv7vnui/edit?usp=sharing&ouid=102083428653375347228&rtpof=true&sd=true
All the best!